Listener Favorite Series: Episode 117: You’ll know in a Flash! Intuition Part II

It’s the Listener Favorite Series!

These are the shows that we heard that you listened to again… and again … because you learned some fresh new things that made life get better.
The kind of things that are useful to everyone, everyday, yet no one else is talking about in the way we do in these podcasts. Positive anger, healthy boundaries, an accurate intuition to guide you along, our life with the Invisible. Here they come again, so, enjoy! again! And thanks for sharing it with a friend.

Dear friends,
I hope you enjoyed Part I of our 3-part discussion on the fine art of intuition.

As we said last time, there are 5
different ways people are intuitive, and this week we get into the details.

Are you a visual intuitive, finding Waldo in the picture every time?

Do you have that nice calm, directive inner voice that guides you along?

Maybe you’re kinetic, a person who “follows your feet” with an uncanny sense of showing up at the right time and right place.


Tune in for more tales from The Benevolent Universe, and hear how intuition led my family to Jack the Best Dog Ever (even though I truly am not a dog person.)

Remember – your intuition is guiding you into ease and happiness
learn to recognize and follow it

it’s fun!

Warm regards,
Mary Hayes Grieco & Erin Warhol

Listener Favorite Series: Episode 117: You’ll know in a Flash! Intuition Part II

The adventure continues in our discussion on how to master the use of intuition.

There are 5 Types of Intuition:
seeing, hearing, sensing, moving/touching, and pure knowing.

Which type do you have? And can you trust it?

Learn how to recognize the kind of intuition that you have, and how to work with it for greater ease and power in how you live your life.

Mary and Erin swap delightful intuition stories in this episode:
Jack the Best Dog Ever joins Mary’s family
Erin finds the Lost Notebook by following her hand.

“There is a benevolent plot afoot, and the conspirators are everywhere, seen and unseen. Their mission: the complete destruction of my fears and limitations …”
from The New Kitchen Mystic by Mary Hayes Grieco

Posted on March 19, 2016 | Discuss on Facebook

Listener Favorite Series: EPISODE 116: You’ll know in a flash! The intuition series starts today

It’s the Listener Favorite Series!


These are the shows that we heard that you listened to again… and again … because you learned some fresh new things that made life get better.
The kind of things that are useful to everyone, everyday, yet no one else is talking about in the way we do in these podcasts. Positive anger, healthy boundaries, an accurate intuition to guide you along, our life with the Invisible. Here they come again, so, enjoy! again! And thanks for sharing it with a friend.

Mary Hayes Grieco and Erin Warhol

“Your intuition is trying to show you
only one thing all the time:
how to be happy as you.
It’s there to make life easier.


Posted on March 12, 2016 | Discuss on Facebook

Listener Favorite Series: EPISODE 121: HEALTHY BOUNDARIES TUNE-UP – Part 2

It’s the Listener Favorite Series!

These are the shows that we heard that you listened to again… and again … because you learned some fresh new things that made life get better.
The kind of things that are useful to everyone, everyday, yet no one else is talking about in the way we do in these podcasts. Positive anger, healthy boundaries, an accurate intuition to guide you along, our life with the Invisible. Here they come again, so, enjoy! again! And thanks for sharing it with a friend.

Here’s Part 2 of our conversation about healthy boundaries.
This topic is so valuable we want to take a deeper dive into it, as it’s the sort of thing that finds most of us on a lifelong learning curve.
Welcome to our snappy little “boundaries tune-up” concept.
We are pretty darn sure that if you are not feeling steady, relaxed, clear-headed and confident this week, a boundaries tune-up will put you right.
Remember, if you are experiencing stress, carrying a resentment, needing to say NO, or to drop something in order to make room for something new in your life …
– it’s time for a little assessment about where to draw a line,
– and where you need to say YES and NO on different levels.
Because you are the boss of you, and you get to make your own decisions about Yes and No.
When you need more sanity and happiness in your daily life – take another look at those boundaries of yours.
Enjoy! And tell us what you think.
Mary Hayes Grieco and Erin Warhol


Everyone needs to set or re-set their boundaries from time to time, to eliminate stress and to be proud of the shape your life is in.

Being human is complex, and we need to manage ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, and spiritually.

Adjusting our boundaries on these levels from time to time shows us and the people around us that we have rights and and can make choices, and that we deserve good treatment.

In this weeks chunky, chock-full podcast, we suggest a healthy boundaries assessment on different levels:

Physical:     diet, clothing, budgets, resources, home and nature, time management – especially some time to yourself!

Emotional:      laughing, crying, venting anger, handling a forgiveness issue.  Getting attention for your feelings or paying attention to the feelings of others. Say NO to shame, whatever else you do.

Mental:      Screen out negative thinking and storytelling. use words mindfully. Prevent overwhelm and simplify your social media life. Unsubscribe!

Energetic:     Cultivate your vitality. Practice healthy energy hygiene. Preserve and nurture your life force.

Spiritual:      Take time for spiritual practices you enjoy.

If you pick one item on each level to tweak, even a little, you will feel the tune-up happen!

You’ll be glad to be you again.

Posted on March 5, 2016 | Discuss on Facebook