EPISODE 134: Create the holiday experience you LOVE

Hi all,
This week Erin and I continue our plans to create a low-stress, high-pleasure winter holiday season.

This week’s show will teach the fine arts of holiday self-empowerment, where we really get honest about what does and doesn’t carry meaning and pleasure for us.

Love to hear what you think!
Mary Hayes Grieco & Erin Warhol

EPISODE 134: Create the holiday experience you LOVE

“Remember – this is YOUR holiday, you are not ITS person.”

So make sure to pick your own favorite things to do (or not do) this season.

Holiday stress and exhaustion come from the pressure of unrealistic or undesirable expectations on ourselves or from others; but

you are the boss of your own holiday choices for meaning and pleasure.

What does this winter holiday mean to you?

A time of deeper religious devotion?
A festival of food and giving?
A commercial extravaganza?
The time for winter solstice silence in the mind, and rest for the body?
New Year/New Start?

Get clear. Make it yours.

Mary plugs her favorite holiday event:     “NOTHING.” 

Check out her recommendation of a good dose of silence for spirituality and stress relief. And the Christmas Day Nap. 

Here’s some other good ideas:

See the good and say it.
Clear your heart with forgiveness.
Go for the glow, it’s a collective activity. worth doing. 
Is the Yule log on TV silly or sweet?

See what Mary and Erin have to say – Yule like it.

Posted on November 20, 2015 | Discuss on Facebook

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