In person, on the phone, on Zoom, or in a private retreat, Mary is ready to help you with issues of your spirituality, healing, forgiveness and life purpose. Get un-stuck and move ahead to do what you came here to do! Working privately with Mary is potent and rewarding and you will release the magic and joy of your soul into your life. Mary is also adept at coaching people who are healers or “sensitives” by nature, assisting you to better function, focus, and power. Read more about these topics below.
“What I accomplished in that time in Mary’s office would have taken me years of traditional therapy. I really appreciated her intuitive – almost psychic – insights and validation of who I really am. When I left, I felt like a huge load had been lifted from me.” – Shelly C.
for an online Client Information and Release Form
Session Formats

Refresh your spirit at the Well
In Person Sessions
If you live in the Twin Cities area, you can meet Mary in her peaceful office at The Well Healing Arts Center in South Minneapolis. Nurture yourself in the old-fashioned ambience of this gracious old mansion which has become the professional home of a group of talented coaches, healers, and body workers.
When you step into The Well, you breathe deeply, and begin the process of relaxing and looking within. You will treasure your time with Mary at her hearth, especially in the winter with a fire going and a cup of tea in your hand! Call 612-874-6622 to make your appointment. See below for fees. » for an online Client Information and Release Form » Download a Client Information and Release Form (Word document) » Pay for your session here (after you have made arrangements with Mary.)
Well Healing Arts Center, 2100 1st Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 55404 Suite 103.
Sessions by Telephone or Zoom
In recent years, as more people around the nation have learned of Mary Hayes Grieco and her potent work, she has received requests for long distance coaching by telephone or Zoom. It may surprise and delight you to discover how supportive and effective telephone coaching can be. Near or far — Mary creates an atmosphere of trust and safety with all of her clients, and together you get the job done of getting the peace and clarity you need. If you live anywhere in the United States or another country, Mary will be glad to help you by telephone or Zoom. Call 612-874-6622 to make your appointment. (Only English is spoken)
or email mary(@ sign) to discuss your needs for coaching with Mary, and she’ll arrange a time for you to get started.
By arrangement by phone or email.
See below for fees.
Forgiveness Healing Sessions – 1 or 2hrs $160/hr
($10 Discount for cash/ck)
(Mary can help in person or by phone)
It’s not hard to forgive – you just need to know how, and you just need some skilled and compassionate support while you do it. Mary has been facilitating powerful emotional healing with the 8 step model of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness since 1990, and has not yet seen it fail to bring significant and permanent relief.
If you know that you have some specific issues of hurt and resentment towards key individuals in your life past or present, you will benefit greatly by taking time to “clean house” and release that bound-up vitality for your goals and dreams in the present. When forgiveness occurs, miracles happen: relationship dynamics heal and evolve, addictions fade out, and even physical health problems clear up. The average time investment it takes to clear up a large life issue or a complicated chunk of personal history is 2-6 sessions. If you know you need to clear up a few issues but don’t want to do a lengthy stint of traditional psychotherapy, this short-term focused coaching using The Eight Steps to Freedom may be just what you need now.
Coaching Sessions – 1 or 2hrs $160/hr
($10 Discount for cash/ck)
(Mary can help in person or by phone)
Mary Hayes Grieco has worked as a mentor who is grounded in a universal model of spirituality and a holistic orientation since 1993. If you are in a time in your life when you need an experienced guide for a while, don’t hesitate to call for your first appointment. Her strong intuition and service-orientation will help you penetrate to the heart of your questions and challenges.
Mary’s approach to each session includes a prayer and an attunement to the level of the soul. The goal is to help you break through in areas where you feel stuck, and quickly learn how to live your best life now. Her tool box is eclectic, drawing on experience from yoga, 12 Steps, Unconditional Forgivness, and twenty-five years of familiarity with complementary and holistic modes of self-healing. She can recommend reading and optional homework assignments in between sessions to give you some more “grist for the mill” for the growth and life changes you want to accomplish.
“Three and Done” Forgiveness Package –
Three sessions and learning materials $575
($10 Discount for cash/ck)
(Mary can help in person or by phone or Zoom anywhere)
“It is an outdated idea that therapy has to take a very long time; and an effective method of forgiveness is the key.” Dr. Edith Stauffer, PhD
Sometimes we know we are stuck and need some professional attention to heal an unfortunate life story. Yet we feel daunted at the prospect of finding a therapist, doing an extensive history, and paying for regular appointments for a long time. “If only I could get a little help just to get over this one thing, for now …”
Divorce, a job loss, a disappointment in a friendship or love relationship – many of these emotional life stories will yield to permanent healing if you bring your will to the matter, and if you do several sessions with a skillful person and an effective method of emotional healing.
In Mary Hayes Grieco’s forgiveness healing practice of 35 years, the most common scenario is that people come to see her three times, and get great relief and a sense of closure, and then move back into life on higher ground.
The three sessions are:
1) Intake – exploring the story, reviewing important background information, receiving an orientation to the forgiveness method and the establishment of a common spiritual language 60 min.
2) The Eight Steps of Forgiving Another Person or Situation 90 min
3) Self forgiveness for your part of the story; mistakes you made or a lack of clarity that caused you to go down the wrong pathway 60 min
In the process of tackling your issue with Mary’s short term intensive healing sessions, it is helpful to prepare for a real transformation by warming up your understanding and your readiness with the book, Unconditional Forgiveness, and the associated workbook. This clear information and the simple exercises will help you “thaw out” your emotions, gain mental clarity, and build a stronger connection with your Higher Self, your soul.
Plan now for a successful short term stint of forgiveness healing, and sign up for those three sessions, and “study up!” so you’re ready to go. “Three and Done” will definitely get you un-stuck and moving solidly ahead in your life, with your bad story now in the rear view mirror.
Call today – your breakthrough is waiting! 612-874-6622
Coaching for Healers and Sensitives – 1hr $120
($10 Discount for cash/ck)
(Mary can help in person or by phone)
“You’re too sensitive!” If you’ve heard this all your life .. If you feel overwhelmed by the racket and clash of vibrations of the modern world and the people around you … if you feel that you know much more than others do but can’t explain why … If you feel that you are perceiving other levels of psychic existence at times (the spirit world, collective consciousness, etc.), then you are a “sensitive.”
It is estimated that approximately 15% of the human population falls under the category “extremely sensitive person.” Many “sensitives” are talented artists, psychics, and healers, but they have not learned how to manage their sensitivity and personal intensity, so that their sensitivity is a gift instead of a liability. Although traditional earth-based societies have typically had an attitude of respect towards sensitives, modern society tends to de-value the gifts and experiences of the sensitive type.
Mary is available to you for coaching on how to manage your sensitivity, and how to focus it’s gifts in a purposeful way. Mary worked for twelve years as a professional psychic, and has learned how to be a sensitive who is at home in a world she used to find harsh and overwhelming.
How to be happy and sane as an extremely sensitive person:
- Learn how to accept your difference as a real thing, without making you feel separate from “normal” people, and
- Practice “personal energy hygiene” so you are comfortable in your life, wherever you go.
- Find your best expression of service as a sensitive – help others with it! Mary will make suggestions for you if you are a healing practitioner who is trying to develop a successful practice, but need to add some reasonable business sensibility to how you grow your work in the world.
Stop feeling like you are “too” sensitive — claim your gift and enjoy your life!
Spiritual Direction – 1hr $120
($10 Discount for cash/ck)
(Mary can help in person or by phone)
Is something in your heart yearning to feel actively connected and supported every day by love and guidance from a spiritual level? Perhaps you don’t belong to a church any more, or never did, but something is calling you to wake up and find the best expression of your own brand of spirituality. Mary is wise and insightful in her ability to help you find “a new face of God,” that is just yours,
and to design simple daily spiritual practices and a monthly homework assignment to help you feel that Presence moving creatively in your life. You might enjoy reading Mary’s philosophy about spirituality in The New Kitchen Mystic in the following essays: The Kitchen Mystic, Spirituality and Religion, Your Spiritual Teacher, and Women’s Spirituality. It is recommended that you establish a regular monthly appointment for Spiritual Direction.
Tarot Card Readings – 1 hr $120
($10 Discount for cash/ck)
Tarot cards are an ancient and useful tool for spiritual insight, possibly rooted in the mystical system, Kaballah, and the ancestor of the modern card playing deck. Tarot is enjoying a modern Renaissance, and beautiful new versions of the deck have been created. Mary has been reading Tarot cards for herself and her friends for 40 years, and if you were ever curious about getting a reading, Mary is the most trustworthy and insightful interpreter of the cards that you will find.
What do you get from a Tarot reading?
- A picture that is an overview of the key story and purpose of your life, past/present/future
- Clarity about the soulful lessons that are unfolding today
- Practical answers about decisions you are trying to make today
- Support and encouragement go forward with confidence and a smile
Deep Soul Reading– 90 min $235
($10 Discount for cash/ck)
(Mary can help in person or by phone)
In a gentle meditative state, Mary has the ability to contact a deep source of wisdom and information about your life and purposes. A Deep Soul Reading gets down to the bottom of the challenges in your life, helping you to remember who you really are and what you are here to do. Sometimes this reading will connect you with and make peace with loved ones who have passed on, as well as giving you insight about the karmic agreements that are operating in your important relationships today. This experience with your soul and Mary is healing and reassuring, dispelling your fears, informing your decisions, and empowering you to go forward in the strength of your own soul.for an online Client Information and Release Form
Personal Forgiveness Retreats
Come to Minneapolis, Minnesota, for a private retreat and some deep, life-changing work with Mary Hayes Grieco. You will be Mary’s top priority during your visit as she works with you to heal yourself and re-invent your life. Mary will bring her fine intuition and her extensive skill set to bear on your need to turn a corner and live on higher ground.
Renew your connection with your soul and Creator, clear away the debris from the past with forgiveness work, and get clear about your purposes and priorities for the next phase of life.
- 2 Day Retreat: $1675 ($75 Discount for cash/ck)
- 3 Day Retreat: $2100 ($100 Discount for cash/ck)
- 4 Day Retreat: $2500 ($100 Discount for cash/ck)
Family Forgiveness Retreats (2-5 people)
After the lawsuit, the catastrophic illness, the loss of a young person, the destructive actions of a family member who is trapped in addiction or mental illness …
the family system needs help finding positivity and equilibrium again. After something big and difficult has passed, your family life feels changed and confused. If a few of you have been expressing the need for healing together, consider coming for a Family Forgiveness Retreat. Mary will help you heal the pain, settle the dust, turn the corner and re-set your sense of love and security together.
“We all felt exhausted, cynical, changed … Mary helped my family start to move past this trauma that would have lingered much longer than necessary. Now we have a new perspective, much clearer heads, and more confidence in dealing with the problems we’re facing.”
- 2 Day Retreat $2100 ($100 Discount for cash/ck)
- 3 Day Retreat $2900 ($100 Discount for cash/ck)
- 4 Day Retreat $3650 ($150 Discount for cash/ck)
Travel and hotel accommodations not included.