Wellness Seminars

Hope, Happiness, and Health

Mary will present a simple and powerful model of wellness to inspire you in your quest for greater health and happiness. Come for some practical ideas that will give you a “tune up” on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This is a great little seminar for spring time or times when a group needs renewal.

The Medical Professional as Healer

Key ideas

Healer: someone who facilitates and promotes the restoration of wholeness. Also, he or she:

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  • Walks with an intention.
  • Believes in the forces of renewal and restoration, and is open to being a channel for those forces.
  • Lives spirituality (in a state if relaxed loving awareness of the present)
  • Serves humbly
  • (Humility is being in your rightful place in the Universe, moment by moment. Humility is serving a person’s need the way they understand it, if it is practical)
  • Stays connected and promotes connection between body, emotions, mind, and spirit.
  • Faces and transforms her own issues and limitations.
  • Fully participates with Life’s circle of giving and receiving.
  • Does her best, one day at a time, and lets go of the rest.
  • Brings compassion to self and others who are in impossible situations.

Also: Tips to prevent overload; how to have a good day as a healer.


  • dream with hands on healing
  • Betty in the nursing home
  • Mary’s anesthetist as healer

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Forgiveness: The Key to Emotional and Physical Health

Key ideas

  • We do forgiveness for our own sake, because resentments are a burden on our physical health and can cause stress disorders.
  • Energy system and physical body carry unprocessed emotions
  • Eight steps of forgiveness

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  • Woman with colon cancer
  • Woman with amennorhia
  • Woman with irritable bowel
  • Man with tense shoulders
  • Mary with tight heart
  • Mary with sinus infections

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Alternative No More: Embracing the Shift in our Medical Paradigm

Key Ideas

Two wings of one bird: Allopathic medicine and complementary/alternative medicine(CAM)

Central Message: It’s time for medical doctors to acknowlege and explore and make themselves as familiar as they can with the realm of complementary and alternative therapies, and become capable of interfacing with these options for the benefit of your patient’s health. Try some, learn from some of your patients about it, get acquainted with who does what, and where these resources are. Get the spirit of exploration and discovery — it’s fun!

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  • Trends in the use of CAM and its incorporation into mainstream medical care.
  • Principles and culture of the CAM paradigm and therapies. The elements that make them so appealing people are willing to pay for them out of pocket.
  • Implications of this growing trend for today’s doctors, and the practice of medical care in the future.


  • Annette’s store as entry point and clearing house to alternative help.
  • Story of a life-threatening miscarriage. How allopathic and CAM medicine worked together to save a life and heal the emotional loss as well.
  • Demonstration of favorite personal discoveries from CAM therapies.

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